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PRP Life Lift

TPlatelet Rich Plasmahe human body is a highly resilient system, able to heal itself in ways that can often seem like magic. But sometimes, the body needs help in certain places where healing may take longer, or places where the body does not see the need for healing at all. Examples of these circumstances can be a knee injury in which the area does not receive much blood flow, or loose skin on the face which is starting to wrinkle and sag.   It has been made possible to heal orthopedic ailments as well as rejuvenate skin tissues with the use of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), a procedure that uses your own blood to repair you. Since blood has amazing healing properties for the body, this treatment has revolutionized the recovery time of joint and tendon injuries as well as the reversal of skin aging.


Call 561-221-1000 Ext. 207 today to register for our next PRP LifeLift™ Certification Course.



If physicians use a product for an indication not in the approved labeling, they have  to inform the patient, adhere to good medical practice and have the responsibility  to be well informed about the product, to base its use on firm scientific rationale  and on sound medical evidence and to maintain records of the product’s use and  effects (source: www.fda.gov)


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