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Benefits of PRP

As we are using your own tissue (Autologous) virtually eliminates the potential problems with allergies or rejection. Utilize your own stem cells for regenerative therapy. Trials and empirical data have shown that platelets can increase the production of collagen and Elastin.

Other reasons to consider PRP and its benefits are:

  • Minimal down time
  • Very few contraindications
  • Greatly reduced risk
  • Short recovery time
  • No implant, natural looking results
  • Longer lasting results
  • Accelerate and enhance the healing process
  • Reduced trauma and inflammation
  • Cost effective treatment



If physicians use a product for an indication not in the approved labeling, they have  to inform the patient, adhere to good medical practice and have the responsibility  to be well informed about the product, to base its use on firm scientific rationale  and on sound medical evidence and to maintain records of the product’s use and  effects (source: www.fda.gov)

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